

  • Operates in on-line and off line modes
  • Allows for federated searches against any connected back end systems
  • Provides a data flow from one screen to the next without the need to re-key in any previous collected data
  • Interfaces with ePNB (Pocket Note Book) where stored on the phone is encrypted
  • MPA Server plugin to Niche RMS, NEC NeoFace, PNC, Controlworks, STORM, Warrants, and many more
  • Designed in conjunction with police for the use by police in their day by day duties
  • On device Witness Statements allows for creation of nominals when used on the smartphone and laptops 
  • Interface for Biometric identification using facial recognition and finger print against stored images enabling accurate identity
  • Support for Samsung DeX as a desktop or in-car solution when using Samsung 8 devices or higher


ePNB - Police Pocket Book:

  • Replaces the police officers black paper notebook allowing the user to view recorded notes, photos and related application searches
  • Allows for the free formation of text, sketches and signatures
  • All data entered can be searched by the officer
  • Includes photo management
  • All entries are date and time stamped and geotagged
  • Records are stored for X days on the device and X years on the server where X is administrator defined
  • Same view from the desktop as from the mobile smartphone or tablet for iOS, Android or Windows
  • Records can be signed off by supervisor with a footprint note without the need to recall notebooks
  • Records can be viewed by internal audit without leaving a footprint



  • Operates in on-line and off line modes
  • Allows for federated searches against any connected back end systems
  • Provides a data flow from one screen to the next without the need to re-key in any previous collected data
  • Interfaces with ePNB (Pocket Note Book) where stored on the phone is encrypted
  • MPA Server plugin to Niche RMS, NEC NeoFace, PNC, Controlworks, STORM, Warrants, and many more
  • Designed in conjunction with police for the use by police in their day by day duties
  • On device Witness Statements allows for creation of nominals when used on the smartphone and laptops 
  • Interface for Biometric identification using facial recognition and finger print against stored images enabling accurate identity
  • Support for Samsung DeX as a desktop or in-car solution when using Samsung 8 devices or higher


Mental Health Application:

The iPatrol MHA is the first application of its kind in UK policing. The MHA uses a blended approach of clinical practice and operational policing to better inform and assist officers dealing with mental health related incidents. It is hoped and intended the MHA will instil greater officer confidence through being better able to identify, record, evidence and describe, certain mental health problems using appropriate clinical language to assist health professionals.

The Mental Health Application allows for the risk assessment of an individual at the scene by the application user. The solution covers four distinct areas:

  1. To complete an Officer Risk Assessment Report
  2. Interface and update of Niche RMS® mental Health Monitoring Form
  3. Help and Guidance
  4. Access to Crisis Services




  • Is a framework for SQL databases
  • Provides security at the row (record) level to any SQL database/application
  • Security can be added at the design stage or post design for existing databases/applications